The Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan has now been adopted! To find out more please visit the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan: Adoption page.
You can also view the plan on the South Hams District Council and West Devon Borough Council websites.
Visit the interactive Plymouth Plan to see other policies that affect decision making across Plymouth City including the Council and its partners.
Welcome to the Plymouth & South West Devon Joint Local Plan
Use the filters on the left to explore the parts of the plan that are of interest to you. This page shows you some parts of the plan that you might be interested in to get you started. To find out more about the plan and how it was put together go to the about page.
There are 97 results that match your search:
- SO5 - Delivering growth in Plymouth's Eastern Corridor Growth Area
- SO4 - Delivering growth in the Derriford and Northern Corridor Growth Area
- SO2 - Strengthening Plymouth's role in the region
- SO11 - Delivering high quality development
- SO6 - Delivering a prosperous and sustainable South West Devon
- SO12 - Delivering infrastructure and investment
- SO7 - Maintaining a strong network of Main Towns
- SO1 - Delivering the spatial strategy
- SO10 - Maintaining a beautiful and thriving countryside
- SO9 - Maintaining the viability of the many sustainable villages in the rural ar...
- SO8 - Maintaining the vitality and viability of the Smaller Towns and Key Villag...
- SPT2 - Sustainable linked neighbourhoods and sustainable rural communities
- DEL1 - Approach to development delivery and viability, planning obligations and ...
- PLY52 - Land at West Park Hill, Newnham
- PLY49 - Sherford Community Park Strategic Greenspace
- PLY48 - Sherford new community
- PLY45 - Plym Valley Strategic Greenspace
- PLY44 - Woolwell sustainable urban extension and community park
- SPT13 - Strategic infrastructure measures to deliver the spatial strategy
- DEV27 - Green and play spaces
- SPT1 - Delivering sustainable development
- PLY47 - Strategic infrastructure measures for the Derriford and Northern Corrido...
- PLY46 - Other sites allocations in the Derriford and Northern Corridor Growth Ar...
- DEV19 - Provisions for local employment and skills
- DEV30 - Meeting the community infrastructure needs of new homes
- DEV15 - Supporting the rural economy
- DEV1 - Protecting health and amenity
- SPT11 - Strategic approach to the historic environment
- DEV2 - Air, water, soil, noise, land and light
- DEV29 - Specific provisions relating to transport
- SPT9 - Strategic principles for transport planning and strategy
- DEV34 - Community energy
- DEV21 - Development affecting the historic environment
- DEV14 - Maintaining a flexible mix of employment sites
- DEV12 - Purpose built student accommodation in the Plymouth Policy Area
- DEV6 - Hot food take aways in Plymouth
- DEV4 - Playing pitches
- TTV26 - Development in the Countryside
- TTV21 - Land at Baltic Wharf
- TTV6 - East of Ivybridge
- SP2 - Spatial priorities for development in Ivybridge
- TTV5 - Noss on Dart
- TTV4 - Land at Cotton
- TTV3 - Strategic infrastructure measures for the Main Towns
- PLY3 - Utilising Plymouth's regional economic assets
- DEV26 - Protecting and enhancing biodiversity and geological conservation
- DEV18 - Protecting local shops and services
- DEV17 - Promoting competitive town centres
- DEV3 - Sport and recreation
- DEV33 - Renewable and low carbon energy (including heat)
- DEV10 - Delivering high quality housing
- SPT7 - Working with neighbouring areas
- TTV28 - Horse related developments in the countryside
- TTV23 - Dartington Hall Estate
- PLY61 - Development in Plymouth's urban fringe
- SPT14 - European Sites – mitigation of recreational impacts from development
- DEV35 - Managing flood risk and water quality impacts
- DEV25 - Nationally protected landscapes
- DEV24 - Undeveloped Coast and Heritage Coast
- DEV20 - Place shaping and the quality of the built environment
- DEV13 - Consideration of sites for Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
- DEV9 - Meeting local housing need in the Plan Area
- DEV7 - Meeting local housing need in the Plymouth Policy Area
- DEV5 - Community food growing and allotments
- TTV24 - Site allocations in the Smaller Towns and Key Villages
- TTV20 - Land at KEVICC
- TTV10 - The Quayside
- SP3 - Spatial priorities for development in Kingsbridge
- TTV9 - Other sites allocations at Ivybridge
- TTV8 - Land at Stibb Lane
- TTV7 - Land at Filham
- SP1 - Spatial priorities for development in Dartmouth
- TTV2 - Delivering sustainable development in the Thriving Towns and Villages Pol...
- TTV1 - Prioritising growth through a hierarchy of sustainable settlements
- SPT12 - Strategic approach to the natural environment
- SPT5 - Provision for retail development
- SPT10 - Balanced transport strategy for growth and healthy and sustainable commu...
- DEV28 - Trees, woodlands and hedgerows
- DEV23 - Landscape character
- DEV16 - Providing retail and town centre uses in appropriate locations
- SPT4 - Provision for employment floorspace
- SPT6 - Spatial provision of retail and main town centre uses
- TTV27 - Meeting local housing needs in rural areas
- DEV36 - Coastal Change Management Areas
- DEV32 - Delivering low carbon development
- DEV31 - Waste management
- DEV8 - Meeting local housing need in the Thriving Towns and Villages Policy Area
- TTV29 - Residential extensions and replacement dwellings in the countryside
- TTV22 - Other sites allocations in the Totnes
- SP6- Spatial priorities for development in Totnes
- PLY57 - Strategic infrastructure measures for the Eastern Corridor Growth Area
- PLY2 - Unlocking Plymouth's regional growth potential
- SPT8 - Strategic connectivity
- TTV25 - Development in the Sustainable Villages
- TTV12 - Other sites allocations at Kingsbridge
- TTV11 - West of Belle Hill
- SPT3 - Provision for new homes