GRO4 (PP) - Using transport investment to drive growth
This policy is part of the Plymouth Plan which was approved by Plymouth City Council Full councillors on 27/02/2017.
The City will deliver targeted integrated transport measures to help support the sustainable growth of Plymouth, in accordance with the vision, objectives and policies of the Joint Local Plan. These include:
- Continuing to support the High Quality Public Transport Network and improve public and sustainable transport services through, where appropriate, subsidies and new infrastructure.
- Maintaining, improving and expanding the network of Park & Ride facilities and services, addressing the needs of both Derriford and the City Centre including a new facility at Deep Lane, exploring suitable locations for new facilities and considering the reallocation of space at existing sites.
- Continuing to support and develop new and existing local passenger ferry services, by working with stakeholders.
- Working with partners to promote improved and more resilient local rail services, through developing and communicating the Plymouth / Devon Metro concept, reinstating the Tavistock to Plymouth branch line and investigating the need for new rail stations.
- Improving facilities and services to encourage cycling, including continued delivery of Plymouth’s Strategic Cycle Network.
- Investing in a range of measures to enable and encourage more journeys to be made on foot, including maintaining and expanding the network of Public Rights Of Way and trails.
- Continuing to support and where feasible expand Community Transport schemes.
- Supporting and promoting car sharing and the establishment of coordinated car clubs in new developments.
- Developing our Intelligent Transport Systems to increase the efficiency of the highway network to make best use of its assets.
- Partnership working with neighbouring authorities and Highways England to ensure effective operation of the local and strategic road network and the interface between the two.
- Development and implementation of powers to reduce the impact of works being undertaken by statutory providers.
- Management of demand for travel through the application of accessibility based car parking standards, charging policy for car parks to discourage commuting by car, and targeted fiscal based management strategies in major employment locations.
- Use of smarter choices and travel planning to provide and promote travel choice, through the planning process.
- Facilitating efficient freight movements at all spatial scales, with due consideration for the most appropriate mode of travel for the freight being transported, including encouraging and enabling low emission logistics, and working with operators to identify and deliver appropriate facilities.
- Developing and delivering targeted infrastructure interventions, consistent with the long term vision and objectives for transport set out in the JLP.