GRO7 (PP) - Reducing carbon emissions and adapting to climate change
This policy is part of the Plymouth Plan which was approved by Plymouth City Council Full councillors on 27/02/2017.
The City will pursue the following approaches to deliver significant reductions in carbon emissions in Plymouth, aiming to halve 2005 levels of carbon emissions by 2034 through :
- Encouraging and enabling large scale uptake of retrofit insulation, and renewable / low carbon energy generation equipment and infrastructure to existing buildings, and promoting other energy demand reduction measures.
- Supporting and enabling the installation of renewable and low carbon energy generation capacity, including encouraging community owned installations and identifying land for large scale renewable energy installations.
- Promoting and supporting exemplar low carbon development that adopts higher design and construction standards, such as BREEAM, Passivhaus and the Code for Sustainable Homes etc.
- Promoting the creation of infrastructure to supply low carbon heat through the delivery and expansion of district energy networks.
- Supporting the development of resilient, efficient local energy markets through the identification and promotion of local opportunities for SMART energy infrastructure that helps to balance local supply and demand.
- Seeking solutions that reduce the need to travel, and facilitate the move towards sustainable modes of travel.
- Using planning powers to promote development that reflects the risks posed by climate change and the need for society to move towards a low carbon future.