HEA3 (PP) - Supporting adults with health and social care needs
This policy is part of the Plymouth Plan which was approved by Plymouth City Council Full councillors on 27/02/2017.
The City will work together to deliver a health and wellbeing system which provides high quality services and care for those who need it by:
- Creating the opportunity through integrated services to give people more control over how their health, care and support is provided and ensuring people have a positive experience of the services and care they receive.
- Delivering high quality services that meet individual outcomes.
- Implementing a system of whole person care which delivers care and support in a way that makes sense to the person in the context of their whole life.
- Providing effective services to prevent harm, safeguard adults and ensure they are consulted and treated with dignity and respect.
- Supporting carers (unpaid/paid, adult/child) to carry out their caring role and have a full life outside of caring.
- Supporting people to manage their condition(s) to reduce their dependence on professional help.