SO1 (PP) - Delivering a healthy city
This policy is part of the Plymouth Plan which was approved by Plymouth City Council Full councillors on 27/02/2017.
To integrate health and wellbeing, promote choice and personal responsibility, formulate health-enabling local policy and develop good quality local services. This will be achieved by:
- Delivering solutions and creating environments which address the wider determinants of health and wellbeing and make healthy choices available.
- Reducing health and wellbeing inequalities and the burden of chronic diseases in the city.
- Delivering the best health, wellbeing and social outcomes for all people, and reducing and mitigating the impact of poverty, especially child poverty.
- Helping ensure that children, young people and adults feel safe and confident in their communities, with all people treated with dignity and respect.
- Building strong and safe communities in good quality neighbourhoods with decent homes for all, health-promoting natural and built environments, community facilities and public spaces and accessible local services.
- Enabling people of all ages to play an active role in their community and engage with arts and culture and other activities to promote social cohesion and good mental health and wellbeing.
- Providing a safe, efficient, accessible and health-enabling transport network which supports freedom of movement and active travel and promotes low carbon lifestyles that are beneficial to physical and mental health.
- Providing vibrant, effective and modern education settings that enable children and young people to develop as active citizens in the community and enjoy a good quality of life in a dynamic and modern economy, and delivering quality lifelong learning which is available to everyone and can be tailored to quality employment and social opportunities.
- Ensuring people get the right care from the right people at the right time to improve their health, wellbeing and social outcomes.
- Making Plymouth a centre of clinical excellence and innovation to benefit the sustainability and growth of the medical and health care sectors in the city and to create education and employment opportunities.
Linked Policies
Policies associated with this Strategic Objective