HEA5 (PP) - Delivering strong and safe communities and good quality neighbourhoods
This policy is part of the Plymouth Plan which was approved by Plymouth City Council Full councillors on 27/02/2017.
The City will support strong and inclusive communities where people have a sense of belonging and ownership, feel safe and confident, with the opportunity to live, work and play in good quality sustainable neighbourhoods. This will be through:
- Delivering a new approach for providing essential and accessible community facilities which host a range of modern services, that inspire learning and improve health and wellbeing.
- Ensuring the voice of children, young people and families is canvassed and valued and influences community developments.
- Encouraging schools to play a core hub role within communities so that facilities can be used for the benefit of the local community.
- Delivering a partnership approach to tackle crime and disorder that causes the most harm and affects those most at risk. This approach will be complimented by well considered use of the planning process and by enabling greater community control to implement local solutions.
- Reducing opportunities for crime and the fear of crime by requiring all new development to incorporate good design principles.
- Providing for good emergency vehicle accessibility in new developments and infrastructure projects and encouraging the installation of sprinkler systems in properties which accommodate children and vulnerable adults, including schools, residential care homes and special housing.
- In neighbourhoods where people are disadvantaged and do not have equal chances, providing specific support to local communities and consider targeted regeneration and other interventions as appropriate to promote inclusive growth. The LPA will support this by identifying sites for development and considering proposals for development in terms of the extent to which they deliver the principle of sustainable linked neighbourhoods, strengthen communities and address inequality, including where appropriate, using its planning powers to control the number of betting shops, fixed odds betting terminals and pay day lenders in the city.
- Strengthening communities to build upon social value and social movement so that people have control of the communities where they live.