DEV22 - Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site
Development proposals within the Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site or its setting will conserve or where appropriate enhance the Outstanding Universal Value of the site. In particular, regard should be given to the following:
- The historical and cultural significance of the seven key attributes that express the Outstanding Universal Value of the Site as well as other key buildings or other features and their contextual setting as may contribute to this significance.
- The need to conserve and maintain existing historic fabric and to retain and reflect locally distinctive features in the design of buildings, layouts and landscape to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the World Heritage Site is maintained.
- The integrity and authenticity of industrial infrastructure, transportation networks and associated features.
- The importance of and evidence for ancillary industries.
- The need to be in accordance with the principles and objectives of the relevant Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site Management Plan and other guidance/ adopted documents, including the World Heritage Site Supplementary Planning Document.
- Proposals that would result in harm to the authenticity and integrity of the Outstanding Universal Value should be wholly exceptional. Less than substantial harm must be justified. Proposals causing harm will be weighed against the substantial public, not private, benefits of the proposal and whether it has been demonstrated that all reasonable efforts have been made to mitigate the extent of the harm. If the impact of the proposal is neutral, either on the significance or setting, then opportunities to enhance or better reveal the significance should be taken.
- All development proposals should be informed by proportionate historic environment assessments and evaluations. These will identify the significance of all heritage assets that would be affected by the proposals, the nature and degree of any effects, and demonstrate how any harm will be avoided, minimised or mitigated.