The Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan has now been adopted! To find out more please visit the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan: Adoption page.
Visit the interactive Plymouth Plan to see other policies that affect decision making across Plymouth City including the Council and its partners.
Development that would result in the loss or deterioration of the quality of:
will not be permitted unless the need for, and benefits of, the development in that location clearly outweigh the loss and this can be demonstrated.
Development should be designed so as to avoid the loss or deterioration of woodlands, trees or hedgerows. If the loss of trees, woodlands or hedgerows, cannot be avoided, new native and locally appropriate trees and hedgerows will be secured as mitigation to ensure they contribute to a ‘net gain’. Mitigation should be delivered on site, but if this is not achievable, offsite compensation will be required to provide a net gain in canopy cover in line with local standards.