DEV29 - Specific provisions relating to transport

The Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan has now been adopted! To find out more please visit the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan: Adoption page.

Visit the interactive Plymouth Plan to see other policies that affect decision making across Plymouth City including the Council and its partners.

Development will be required to contribute positively to the achievement of a high quality, effective and safe transport system in the Plan Area. It will promote sustainable transport choices and facilitate sustainable growth that respects the natural and historic environment. Development proposals should therefore, where appropriate:

  1. Consider the impact of development on the wider transport network.
  2. Provide safe and satisfactory traffic movement and vehicular access to and within the site.
  3. Ensure sufficient provision and management of car parking in order to protect the amenity of surrounding residential areas and ensure safety of the highway network.
  4. Limit / control the overall level of car parking provision at employment, retail and other destination locations.
  5. Provide for high quality, safe and convenient facilities for walking, cycling, public transport and zero emission vehicles.
  6. Mitigate the environmental impacts of transport, including impacts on air quality, noise pollution, landscape character and the quality and distinctiveness of urban and rural environments.
  7. Incorporate travel planning, including Personalised Travel Planning (PTP), which helps to maximise the use of sustainable transport in relation to the travel demands generated by the development and limit the impact of the development on the road network.
  8. Ensure that access and infrastructure delivered as part of the development meets the need for walking, cycling and public transport connectivity both within the development and in the wider area alongside supporting place-shaping objectives.
  9. Contribute to meeting the wider strategic transport infrastructure needs generated by the cumulative impact of development in the area.
  10. Locate new homes in locations that can enable safe, secure walking, cycling and public transport access to local services and amenities.