DEV8 - Meeting local housing need in the Thriving Towns and Villages Policy Area
The LPAs will seek to deliver a wide choice of high quality homes which widen opportunities for home ownership, meet needs for social and rented housing, and create sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities. The following provisions will apply:
- A mix of housing sizes, types and tenure appropriate to the area and as supported by local housing evidence should be provided, to ensure that there is a range of housing, broadening choice and meeting specialist needs for existing and future residents. The most particular needs in the policy area are:
- Homes that redress an imbalance within the existing housing stock.
- Housing suitable for households with specific need.
- Dwellings most suited to younger people, working families and older people who wish to retain a sense of self-sufficiency.
- Within rural areas with special designations, as defined in section 157 of the Housing Act 1985, all residential developments of 6 to 10 dwellings will provide an off-site commuted sum to deliver affordable housing to the equivalent of at least 30 per cent of the total number of dwellings in the scheme.
- Within the whole policy area a minimum of at least 30 per cent on-site affordable housing will be sought for all schemes of 11 or more dwellings. Off-site provision or commuted payments in lieu of on-site provision will only be allowed where robustly justified.