SO12 - Delivering infrastructure and investment

The Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan has now been adopted! To find out more please visit the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan: Adoption page.

Visit the interactive Plymouth Plan to see other policies that affect decision making across Plymouth City including the Council and its partners.

To take a proactive and co-ordinated approach to delivering the infrastructure and investment needed to realise the plan’s vision and deliver its strategic objectives and policies. This will be achieved by:  

  1. Assessing infrastructure and investment needs to enable growth, remove barriers to investment and deliver sustainable communities.
  2. Co-ordinating infrastructure and investment in the context of a long term perspective together with short and medium term resource planning. 
  3. Planning the delivery of infrastructure as growth takes place. 
  4. Identifying and managing the key risks to delivery of the Joint Local Plan and devising contingency scenarios. 
  5. Using developer contributions to help deliver the vision and mitigate any negative impacts of growth. 
  6. Creating supportive conditions that enable and encourage private, public and community sector investment in new homes, jobs and infrastructure.

Linked Policies

Policies associated with this Strategic Objective