PLY28 - Land north of Cliff Road, The Hoe
Land north of Cliff Road, The Hoe, is allocated for hotel led mixed use regeneration, including housing and potentially complementary uses which supports the tourist function of area. Provision is made for in the order of 88 homes.
Development should provide for the following:
- A development which conserves and where appropriate enhances the character and appearance of the Hoe Conservation Area and Registered Park and Garden as informed by a detailed heritage character assessment to be undertaken for the proposal.
- High quality, memorable building design will be sought, given the site’s relationship with the Hoe Conservation Area, and wide prominence, including from the sea and coastline.
- Publicly accessible active ground floor uses to be encouraged.
- A new pedestrian / cycle link between Walker Terrace and Leigham Street at the site’s northern boundary.
- New enhanced and redesigned public realm on and around the site, including removal of the covered walkway against the retaining wall forming the site’s southern boundary, and strong pedestrian and cycle links to the Hoe Park.
- Innovative solutions to minimise the visual impact of car parking and maximise secure cycle parking.
- An innovative lighting scheme.
- Tree planting on the site’s street frontages and open spaces.