PLY30 - Bath Street West
Land at Bath Street West is allocated for a comprehensive residential led mixed-use redevelopment. Uses which will be supported include residential, offices, small scale retail, cultural and community uses. Provision is made for 300 new homes.
Development should provide for the following:
- Delivery of high quality public realm in order to create the Millbay Boulevard in a comprehensive and integrated manner.
- Uses which create activity at ground floor level, particularly along the boulevard and other key routes.
- High quality design which conserves and where appropriate enhances the setting of the adjacent listed buildings and Union Street Conservation Area, informed by a detailed heritage character assessment to be undertaken for the proposal.
- East / West public linkages through the site to provide better connections through the area.
- High quality design which preserves and enhances the setting of the adjacent listed buildings and Union Street Conservation Area.
- A scale of development appropriate to create an urban character. Taller landmark buildings on key corners will be sought to mark the entryway to the Millbay Boulevard.
- Measures to ensure the improvement of surface water management, in accordance with the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.