PLY31 - Bath Street East
Land at Bath Street East is allocated for a comprehensive mixed-use redevelopment. Uses which will be supported include residential, arena facilities, offices, small scale retail, hotel, leisure, cultural and community uses. Provision is made for 323 new homes.
Development should provide for the following:
- Delivery of high quality public realm in order to create the Millbay Boulevard in a comprehensive and integrated manner.
- Re-provision or refurbishment of arena facilities with the primary pedestrian arena access from the boulevard.
- Uses which create activity at ground floor level, particularly along the boulevard and other key routes.
- High quality design which conserves and where appropriate enhances the setting of the adjacent listed buildings and Union Street Conservation Area, informed by a detailed heritage character assessment to be undertaken for the proposal.
- A scale of development appropriate to create an urban character. Taller landmark buildings on key corners will be sought to mark the entryway to the Millbay Boulevard.
- Removal of the pedestrian footbridge, stair tower and associated infrastructure over Union Street.
- East / West public linkages through the site to provide better connections through the area.
- Measures to ensure the improvement of surface water management, in accordance with the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.