TTV10 - The Quayside
Land at The Quayside is allocated for mixed-use re-development, including employment, commercial, residential and community uses. Provision is made for in the order of 60 new homes and 200 sq.m. of employment floorspace (Use Classes B1). Development should provide for the following:
- Delivery in accordance with a masterplan for the site that should be prepared and consulted upon in advance of the consideration of any planning application.
- A high quality design for this estuary gateway site which conserves and enhances the natural beauty of the South Devon AONB and provides for enhanced public realm and better connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists to the town centre and estuary.
- Retention of of public car parking to a level sufficient to support the town’s shopping and tourism roles, and which is appropriately located to those roles and sensitively incorporated into the design of new development ensuring that car parking does not dominate the street scene.
- Appropriate flood risk mitigation measures.
- A site wide Sustainable Drainage Strategy to ensure that drainage requirements can be met on site without exacerbating water quality issues within the Salcombe to Kingsbridge SSSI and are designed to deliver landscape, biodiversity and amenity benefits.
- Sufficient space to allow the retention of a tree canopy within and surrounding the site to conserve the green character of Kingsbridge in this area.
- Investigation and remediation of contaminated land.