SPT6 - Spatial provision of retail and main town centre uses
The provision of new retail floorspace and other main town centre uses will be positively planned for having full regard to the following sequential hierarchy of centres.
- Plymouth City Centre is a regional centre and the primary centre for the Plan Area in relation to major comparison goods shopping and town centre uses.
- For the Plymouth Policy Area:
- A new mixed use district centre proposed at Derriford - which is complementary with the role of the City Centre.
- Existing district centres - primarily main food / convenience shopping and other retail and services as appropriate to role of the centre.
- Existing and proposed local centres - primarily for top-up food shopping and local services.
- For the Thriving Towns and Villages Policy Area:
- The town centres of the Main Towns - primarily main food / convenience shopping and other retail and services as appropriate to role of the centre.
- Retail and community centres of the smaller towns and larger villages - primarily for top-up food shopping and local services.