The Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan has now been adopted! To find out more please visit the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan: Adoption page.
Visit the interactive Plymouth Plan to see other policies that affect decision making across Plymouth City including the Council and its partners.
The Plymouth LPA supports the implementation of the existing planning permissions and strategic masterplan relating to the strategic development proposals for Millbay Waterfront. Development will create a new sustainable mixed use neighbourhood which meets the needs of the new community as well as acting as a major destination and attractive international gateway. The proposals provide for 742 new homes, including extra care homes, 12,500 sq.m. B1 offices, as well as small-scale retail, food and drink uses, leisure, hotel, marine related uses and facilities for marine and other events and a multi-storey car park. Any significant changes to the approved schemes will need to be supported by a revised strategic masterplan.
Development should provide for the following: