PLY61 - Development in Plymouth's urban fringe
The LPAs will protect the special characteristics and role of the urban fringe countryside as identified on the Policies Map. The following provisions will apply to the consideration of development proposals in the urban fringe:
- Development will only be permitted where:
- The form, scale and design is not visually intrusive and is well integrated into the landscape.
- The development, either individually or cumulatively does not significantly harm the open character, key characteristics, valued attributes, or sensitive features of the area or important views.
- The proposal does not result in significant intrusion into the open countryside or contribute to the coalescence of separate settlements.
- The setting, individual character and identity of adjoining settlements is not significantly harmed.
- The proposed development is linked to an existing appropriate use and does not conflict with the above criteria.
- Development proposals should, where appropriate:
- Protect and improve public rights of way and bridleways.
- Re-use traditional buildings that are structurally sound enough for renovation without significant enhancement or alteration.
- Be complementary to and not prejudice any viable agricultural operations on a farm and other existing viable uses.
- Respond to a proven agricultural, forestry and other occupational need that requires a countryside location.
- Avoid the use of Best and Most Versatile Agricultural Land.
- Development for the purposes of agriculture, forestry, public access and enjoyment of the countryside, or community facilities that meet the objectively assessed needs of the local community will be supported if it meets the above provisions.