TTV16 - Callington Road, Tavistock
Land at Callington Road is allocated for a residential led development. Provision is made for in the order of 600 new homes.
Development should provide for the following:
- A railway station and related development including car parking to support the re-opening of the railway from Tavistock to Bere Alston.
- Contributions towards the re-instatement of the railway line.
- Appropriate local facilities to support new residents and to enhance the sustainability of the local area, including a new primary school and local retailing facilities of a scale and format to meet local retailing needs where it can be demonstrated that there will be no significant adverse impact on the existing town centre which act as a focal point for local community interaction.
- High quality design and layout that conserves and enhances the natural beauty of Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Dartmoor National Park, the Outstanding Universal Value of the Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site, and preserve, or where opportunities arise, enhance the setting of the Tavistock Conservation Area.
- Strategic landscaping and open space to address the site’s scale and prominence, to help mitigate any adverse visual impact on the AONB, and to soften the edges of the development onto the undeveloped countryside. The scale, density, design, materials and southern and western extents of development should ensure that it is not overly prominent when viewed from the town and surrounding countryside, and the World Heritage Site and Dartmoor National Park.
- Positive frontages onto the adjoining road network, especially the main road and also onto Drake’s Walk.
- Safe and attractive connections for pedestrians and cyclists into the town centre and onto the National Cycle Network.
- Off-site highway works to Drake's Statue, Drake's Store and Pixon Lane roundabout to accommodate increased traffic and to improve local traffic flow.
- Suitable access arrangements to the eastern part of the site so as not to compromise the re-opening of the railway line.
- A lighting strategy, which minimises the impact of light spill to the surrounding countryside.