TTV21 - Land at Baltic Wharf
Land at Baltic Wharf is allocated for a mixed-use redevelopment, including residential, marine / employment and commercial uses. Provision is made for in the order of 190 new homes and 3,300 sq.m. employment floorspace (Use Class B1 and B2). Development should provide for the following:
- A continuing care retirement community including a nursing home (up to 60 bed spaces) an assisted living facility (up to 80 units) and communal facilities.
- Retention of boatyard and associated facilities.
- Footpath and cycle path provision including riverside access and connectivity to the Totnes – Ashprington route and towards the town centre.
- Appropriate flood risk mitigation measures.
- Submission of a site specific mitigation plan to ensure that all new development does not have any negative impact on the greater horseshoe bat species and their flight paths within the protected South Hams SAC.
- An appropriate strategy to mitigate for any impact on the A385 Air Quality Management Area.
- A high quality form of development which integrates with the existing area and the setting of nearby heritage assets.
- Extensive public access to the riverside.
- Investigation and remediation of contaminated land.