TTV5 - Noss on Dart
Land at Noss-on-Dart is allocated for mixed-use development including employment (Use Classes B1, B2 and B8), commercial, education, a hotel, retail and enabling residential development. Provision is made for in the order of 126 new homes. A comprehensive redevelopment scheme should provide for the following:
- Improved marina services and facilities.
- Rentention and improved provision of existing educational facilities.
- Improved connectivity across the River Dart including improved ferry services.
- Improved connectivity with local footpaths and improved access through the northern part of the site.
- Improvements to site access at the junction with the A379 Bridge Road.
- High quality design, which must take account of the location, wooded character, scale, massing, lighting and the site’s sensitive setting in the AONB, especially in views from the River Dart, the Dart Valley Trail, the Greenway Estate, public rights of way, from the main road and railway line.
- Careful consideration and investigation of opportunities to retain un-designated heritage assets on site, and ensure that the Scheduled Ancient Monument and its setting is conserved or enhanced.
- Remediation of land.
- A site specific mitigation plan to ensure all new development does not have any adverse effects on the greater horseshoe bats and their strategic flyways within the South Hams SAC Landscape Connectivity Zone.
- A sequential approach to the layout and design of development and incorporation of flood resistance and resilience measures for any development that has to be located in a flood zone.
- Water quality management measures to protect the surrounding estuary.
- Avoiding the loss of inter-tidal habitat; where loss cannot be avoided, it must be fully mitigated and/or compensated.