TTV6 - East of Ivybridge
Land to the east of Ivybridge is allocated for a residential led mixed-use development. Provision is made for in the order of 540 new homes and 4,600 sq m of employment space (Use Classes B1). Development should provide for the following:
- Appropriate local facilities to support new residents and to enhance the sustainability of the local area, including local convenience retailing facilities of a scale and format where it can be demonstrated that there will be no significant adverse impact on the existing town centre.
- The continued and enhanced operation of the railway station and associated park and ride, including high quality design and layout which maximises opportunities for natural surveillance.
- A landscape strategy which addresses the site’s scale and prominence and the edges of the development, and to mitigate any adverse visual impact on Dartmoor National Park.
- The retention of Ivybridge Rugby Club, with any reordering of land-uses only acceptable if it is beneficial to the operation of the club.
- A quality form of development which integrates with the existing housing, and provides a design and density that is not prominent when viewed from the Dartmoor National Park.
- Safe and attractive pedestrian and cycle connections for residents to access local facilities and services, including the station and local schools.
- An appropriate strategy to mitigate for any impact on the Western Road AQMA, including proportionate contributions as appropriate to any relevant Air Quality Action Plan and traffic management schemes.
- A site wide Sustainable Drainage Strategy to ensure that drainage requirements can be met on site and are designed to deliver landscape, biodiversity and amenity benefits.