TTV7 - Land at Filham
Land to the east of Ivybridge, at Filham, is allocated for housing. Provision is made for in the order of 200 new homes. Development should provide for the following:
- A quality form of development which integrates with the existing housing.
- Safe and attractive pedestrian and cycle connections for residents to access local facilities and services, including the station and local schools.
- An appropriate strategy to mitigate for any impact on the Western Road AQMA, including proportionate contributions as appropriate to any relevant Air Quality Action Plan and traffic management schemes.
- Strategic landscaping to the site boundaries, and the creation of a landscape framework throughout the site. The scale, character, density and design of development should ensure that it is not overly prominent when viewed from the surrounding countryside, paying particular regard to views towards and from Dartmoor.
- A site wide Sustainable Drainage Strategy to ensure that drainage requirements can be met on site and are designed to deliver landscape, biodiversity and amenity benefits.