The Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan has now been adopted! To find out more please visit the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan: Adoption page.
Visit the interactive Plymouth Plan to see other policies that affect decision making across Plymouth City including the Council and its partners.
The LPAs and the local highway authorities of Plymouth and Devon, working with key transport stakeholders, will deliver a high quality transport system for the Plan Area, supporting the plan’s growth strategy and the need for healthy and sustainable communities. A range of transport and planning measures will be delivered according to the hierarchy of modes in Policy SPT9, including (for people and freight where appropriate):
In addition to those measures identified in other policies of the plan, a balanced programme of measures, consistent with the strategic principles for transport and planning, will be set out in the delivery plans of the Plymouth and Devon local highway authorities. This will include measures that will be delivered within the first five years of the plan, as well as identifying potential medium and long term measures that will be developed to manage increased demand for travel.
The measures will seek to encourage and facilitate greater modal shift toward sustainable modes of transport, and where infrastructure investment is needed, to support the improvement of sustainable transport choices for local people and businesses.