DEV27 - Green and play spaces
The LPA’s will protect and support a diverse and multi-functional network of green space. The following provisions apply:
- Development that would result in an unacceptable conflict with the function(s) or characteristic of Strategic Green Spaces will be resisted. In these areas development will normally only be permitted where it enhances the value of the green space, for example through sports, allotment and play provision, lighting, cafes, educational uses and sustainable transport routes.
- Existing open spaces, which also includes designated City Green Spaces and Neighbourhood Green Spaces, should not be built on unless it is demonstrated that the open space is surplus to requirements; or the loss will be replaced by equivalent or better provision in a suitable location; or the development is for alternative sports and recreation provision, the needs for which clearly outweigh the loss. In making this judgement regard will be had to evidence of the identified value of the green space’s attributes as set out in relevant open space assessments and account will be taken of the plan’s green space and play accessibility standards. Development will be resisted on sites where the functions and characteristics of the greenspace will be lost and mitigation is not possible.
- The quality and quantity of accessible green space and play space should be improved in line with local targets and standards for the provision of greenspace and play space. This can be delivered through on-site provision or financial contributions to off-site provision where appropriate.
- Local deficiencies in the accessibility and quality of green space and play space should be addressed in development, in line with local standards.