SO2 - Strengthening Plymouth's role in the region
To consolidate and strengthen Plymouth’s role as the major regional city in the south west peninsula of England, enhancing its contribution to the economic and social wellbeing of the south west and providing the major commercial, service and employment centre. This will be achieved through:
- Strengthening the role of Plymouth City Centre, the Waterfront and Derriford as regional hubs and economic drivers of primary importance within the south west.
- Supporting further investment in strategic services for the region, including the city's regional health, higher and further education, strategic sports, attractions, hospitality, and cultural facilities.
- Unlocking the regional growth potential of Plymouth's City Centre and Waterfront, Derriford and the city's northern and eastern corridors.
- Ensuring that strategic development proposals within the sub-region support and complement Plymouth's role as a sub-regional driver.
- Working with partners in the region to deliver the Plymouth and South West Peninsula City Deal, including driving forward the growth of the marine sector across the whole peninsula.
- Safeguarding the strategic defence role that Plymouth plays for the UK's security and optimising the benefits this brings to the regional economy.
- Working with partners to protect the region's mineral resources.
- Protecting and enhancing the quality and resilience of Plymouth's transport and digital connectivity to the rest of the country and to global markets.
Linked Policies
Policies associated with this Strategic Objective