TTV14 - East of Okehampton
Land to the east of Okehampton is allocated for residential development. Provision is made for in the order of 775 new homes. Development should provide for the following:
- Strategic landscaping and open space within and surrounding the site to address the site’s scale and prominence to mitigate any adverse visual impact on the Dartmoor National Park, and to soften the development edges. The scale, materials, design and extents of development should ensure that it is not overly prominent when viewed from the surrounding countryside, improving the eastern edge of Okehampton.
- Develop a site wide Sustainable Drainage Strategy to ensure that drainage requirements can be met on site and are designed to deliver landscape, biodiversity and amenity benefits.
- No development in Flood Zone 2 or Flood Zone 3 and appropriate flood risk mitigation measures.
- The link road between Crediton Road and Exeter Road.
- Appropriate local facilities to support the new residents and to enhance the sustainability of the existing area, including a new primary school, local retailing facilities of a scale and format to meet local retailing needs where it can be demonstrated that there will be no significant adverse impact on the existing town centre which act as a focal point for local community interaction.
- Contributions to enhance public transport.
- Safe and attractive cycling and walking routes linking to the town.
- Contributions to playing pitches and the provision of formal and informal open space.
- Delivery of Stockley Valley Park providing open and recreational space for nearby residents, businesses and visitors to enjoy.
- A design and layout which conserves and where appropriate enhances the significance of the scheduled monument and the contribution made by its setting to the north west of the site and the layout of the Roman Road running across the site which should be incorporated as part of the public realm.
- An appropriate strategy to mitigate for any impact on air quality within the town centre.