PLY53 - Former China Clay dryer complex, Coypool
Land at the former China Clay dryer complex at Coypool is allocated for a comprehensive residential redevelopment. Provision is made for in the order of 400 new homes.
Development should provide for the following requirements:
- Delivery in accordance with a strategic masterplan for the entire site.
- Principal vehicle access off Coypool Road, with secondary access into the Woodford estate, and improvements along Plymouth Road.
- Provision of access to the proposed Boringdon Park sports hub.
- Enhanced pedestrian and cycle links to the Strategic Cycle Network including the Plym Valley trail, the Coypool Park and Ride facility and surrounding residential areas, with the need for enhancements to the Coypool Park and Ride facility being assessed and provided for.
- Provision of both formal and informal public amenity space.
- Retention of the significant tree belts close to the boundary of the site with provision of managed public access.
- A form of development which visually makes a positive contribution to the wider historic landscape setting and the setting of the designated Boringdon Arch.
- A management strategy for the restoration and aftercare of the former clay dryer complex to ensure that the site is properly managed pending its future comprehesive redevelopment.
- Proportion contribution to the delivery of the Boringdon sports hub.
- Support the continued development of the Plym Valley railway.
- Contributions towards strategic transport infrastructure / programmes on the Eastern Corridor.
- Contributions towards health and education infrastructure in the locality.