Site |
Proposal |
Est. of housing provision/employment floorspace |
Policy considerations/things to be provided for by the development |
1 | Land at Redwood Drive, Chaddlewood | Housing | 190 homes |
- Delivery of off site highways works.
- Delivery of a new high quality park adjacent to the development to mitigate for the loss of the greenspace.
2 | Downham School
| Housing | 28 homes | - Provision of safe pedestrian access/egress route in times of flooding.
3 |
Former Plympton Hospital
| Housing | 54 homes | |
4 | Land at Staddiscombe Road/Goosewell Road, Staddiscombe | New playing pitch | | - New grass football pitch.
5 |
Land at 60 Vinery Lane, Plymstock
| Housing (this the site is considered suitable for executive housing) | 5 homes |
6 | Former MoD site Turnchapel Wharves, Turnchapel
| Marine employment uses (B1b,c; B2, B8) | 8,440 sq.m. employment floorspace |
- Wharves and slipways to be retained for marine use purposes.
Measures to ensure development is safe and does not increase flood risk elsewhere.
7 |
Land between Undercliff Road and Barton Road, Turnchapel
| Housing | 7 homes |
- Trees protected by TPOs on site to be retained within the development site.
Measures to ensure development is safe and does not increase flood risk elsewhere.
8 |
Errill Retail Park, Plymouth Road, Plympton
| Housing | 60 homes |
- Access improvements.
Measures to ensure development is safe and does not increase flood risk elsewhere.
9 | Land at Plympton House, Plympton | Housing with improved access to open space | 14 homes |
- Open space improvements and access to Registered Park and Garden.
10 |
Land off Newnham Road, Colebrook
| Housing | 52 homes |
- Comprehensive re-development of site.
- Support given to provide for the relocation of the existing businesses elsewhere within the city.
- Development not to commence until measures agreed to ensure that there is a net improvement in both on- and off-site flood risks.
11 | Boringdon Park | Playing pitch hub and cycling facilities (closed loop cycle track) | |
- Development to take place in a manner which does not harm and instead enhances the setting of the nearby heritage assets, including the Boringdon Arch as demonstrated by appropriate environmental and heritage assessments.
- Provision of adequate off-street parking.
- Landscaping scheme to implemented as integral part of the proposal including new planting adjacent to the Plym Valley to buffer areas of the woodland.
- Good connections to the adjacent Coypool development (PLY53), the Plym Valley cycleway and adjacent strategic greenspace areas to be provided.
- Enabling development will be acceptable to facilitate the delivery of the sports facilities and the other provisions of this policy, provided that it is well related to the Coypool development, and it respects the urban fringe character of the site and does not break the skyline when the site is viewed from off-site locations to the south.
12 |
Land at Bell Close, Plympton
| Employment - B1b,c, B2 & B8 | 2,000 sq,m, employment floorspace
| - Mitigation to be provided for the loss of publicly accessible greenspace.
- The development design to create a good relationship with the adjacent land designated as local greenspace.
- Delivery of a Sustainable Urban Drainage system to manage surface water that is also designed to deliver wildlife and amenity benefits.