SO4 - Delivering growth in the Derriford and Northern Corridor Growth Area
To realise the potential of the Derriford and Northern Corridor Growth Area as a regionally significant growth hub through:
- Delivering new development which supports and consolidates the Derriford area's regionally significant economic, health care and learning infrastructure to create a high quality, distinctive, and vibrant mixed-use heart for the north of Plymouth at Derriford, centered around a new mixed use commercial and district centre which is complementary to the role of the City Centre.
- Delivering major new growth in housing throughout the area, especially at and near to Derriford and through a new sustainable urban extension at Woolwell.
- Delivering the infrastructure needed to support this growth, including major transport improvements, two new community parks and the enhancement of the Plym Valley.
- Creating balanced and well-connected communities, with an appropriate mix of housing types, sizes and tenures to meet the specific needs of the area, including within the Derriford area purpose built accommodation for students and for staff at the hospital.
- Using the opportunity for major development at Derriford to achieve a key gateway to the city, marked with significant high quality buildings, with a greater intensity of uses to create a walking and cycling environment with safer and more engaging streets and public spaces.
- Enhancing the Growth Area as a major location for employment and research, including medical and hi-tech industries and advanced manufacturing, as well as more traditional industries.
- Facilitating improvements and expansion to Derriford Hospital to optimise its role in providing city and peninsula-wide medical excellence and maximising its benefit to the economy.
- Supporting the growth of the University of St Mark and St John through improving its campus and better integrating it with the commercial centre, the facilities of which will contribute to creating an environment attractive to students.
- Protecting the area’s role in supporting the strategic connectivity of Plymouth through the safeguarding of land at Plymouth airport for general aviation purposes.
- Utilising the area's natural and historic environmental assets, including the Palmerston Forts and the area's valleys, woodlands, greenspaces, and rights of way, to support the achievement of healthy and vibrant communities in the north of the city.
Linked Policies
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